Colin Nelson is a sophomore Natural Resources & Environmental Science major from Decatur, AL
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Why did you choose your program, and how does your program contribute to your career goals?
What advice would you offer an incoming freshman in the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment?
Tell us about the city of Lexington. What surprised you? What places/people do you like most?
Colin's Top 3 Places on Campus to Relax
The College of Ag Student Wellness Room in Ag North; This is a small, quiet, low-lit room with an assortment of comfortable chairs and space. It's a great place to take a nap or just rest in between classes! -The Hillary Boone Center Courtyard; Adjacent to the Study Central, this courtyard is a peaceful outdoor place away from much of the hustle and bustle of campus life. It's one of my favorite places to enjoy a beautiful day! -The Arboretum; A UK staple and yet still somehow a hidden gem. With a walking path through a world of native Kentucky flora and lots of green space to lay out a picnic blanket, this might be the best place on campus to escape and unwind!