Ellen Williams is a junior Agricultural and Medical Biotechnology major from Louisville, KY

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Tell us about the city of Lexington. What surprised you? What places/people do you like most?

Lexington is a city with a ton to offer! The people here really embody the idea of southern hospitality, and I’ve always felt welcomed wherever I’ve gone. There is a great mix of green space and developed space that leads to a city with a beautiful blend of indoor and outdoor experiences. Being from Kentucky, I thought I knew all the state had to offer, but the people and experiences I have found here have shown me otherwise!

What are your "Top 3"  favorite places to study that you have to share?

  • Willy T- I love that Willy T offers multiple types of study areas that you can tailor to your needs. It's the perfect place to study for tests! 
  • The lobby of Ag North-  Ag North offers a fun and inviting atmosphere and you'll always see someone you know! 
  •  Alumni Plaza in front of Garrigus- I love being outside and the tables in Alumni Plaza offer a peaceful place to study during pretty days.

Have you completed an internship, job, or been involved with a club that has been especially meaningful to you?

My most meaningful experience has been conducting research in Jennifer White’s lab. In her lab I work on bacterial endosymbionts in arthropods. Doing this research has pushed me out of my comfort zone learning new techniques to analyze DNA and also traveling to other states to present research. And it’s also made me less afraid of spiders!

What's been your favorite course and why?

My favorite course was the coral reef and conservation class. We studied abroad in Cozumel, Mexico. While there, we learned fish, identification, coral preservation, and basic dive skills. Our class did 20 dives and with each dive we learned new techniques. This was an awesome way to get some hands-on field experience and also to see a new country.