Morgynne Lunsford is a junior Career and Technical Education major from Cynthiana, KY

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What advice would you offer an incoming freshman in the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment?

Join the LLP. This is vital to establishing your friend group. I met the 4 girls that I now live with in the LLP. Get involved! This is how you network and enjoy your college experience. You get out of your college experience what you make of it!

Why did you choose your program, and how does your program contribute to your career goals?

I chose my program because the agricultural education program at UK is one of the best programs in the nation. My program always provides opportunities to grow and develop as a professional through conferences, networking opportunities, and community relations within the agricultural education field.

Tell us about your favorite professor, advisor, or other member of the UK family that has been especially impactful during your college career? 

My favorite person in the MG CAFE is Dr. Savannah Robin. She has been someone who no matter how busy she is she will make time for you. She is constantly thinking of ways to make you better as a professional wether that is sending every internship opportunity or giving you advice about clubs and organizations. I absolutely love her!

Have you completed an internship, job, or been involved with a club that has been especially meaningful to you?

I interned for the Kentucky Beef Council during my sophomore year. I learned so much about the beef industry and networked with vital people in Kentucky agriculture. I was also able to apply my major by educating high schoolers, consumers, and producers about beef. I highly recommend it.