Churchill Scholarship Info Session
The UK Chellgren Center is hosting a Churchill Scholarship Information Session on Wednesday, April 21 online via Zoom at 5:00 pm.
Join the Office of Nationally Competitive Awards and Michael Morse, Executive Director of the Winston Churchill Foundation of the United States, to learn about the Churchill Scholarship.
Open to American students, the Churchill Scholarship provides funding for a year of Master's study in a STEM field at Churchill College at the University of Cambridge.
To attend this event, click here to register via Zoom.
Interested in learning more about other scholarships, fellowships, and programs? Find the schedule for upcoming information sessions from the Chellgren Center at https://www.uky.edu/chellgren/upcoming-information-sessions
Apr 21 2021 - 5:00pm
Virtual (via Zoom)
United States
Dr. Pat Whitlow
Event Type: Career Development
Apr 21 2021 - 5:00pm
Virtual (via Zoom)
United States
Dr. Pat Whitlow