Deadline: Institute for Future Ag Leaders (IFAL)
Sunday, June 22 - Thursday, June 26, 2025
IFAL is a five-day summer leadership conference that exposes students to college life and explores different fields of study and careers in agriculture. Students will stay in one of the University of Kentucky's residence halls with other future ag leaders and participate in a variety of activities, industry experiences, and information sessions throughout the week.
For the past thirty eight years, Kentucky Farm Bureau has been investing in our state’s youth through the Institute for Future Agricultural Leaders (IFAL) Program. IFAL is a unique five-day summer leadership conference that exposes students to college life and explores different fields of study for careers in agriculture. IFAL allows high school juniors to choose between separate conferences at two of Kentucky’s premier universities. This year’s IFAL conferences will be held June 15-19, 2025, at Murray State University in Murray and June 22-26, 2025, at the University of Kentucky in Lexington.
The IFAL program helps students become more familiar with Farm Bureau, promote agricultural-related career choices, provide leadership development opportunities, and promote each participating university.
IFAL Guidelines:
- Students may state their preference concerning which IFAL session they wish to attend. However, stating a preference does not guarantee selection to a specific conference. No one will be assigned to an IFAL conference they did not initially select without personal contact with, and approval from, the student or a family member.
- The conference is only for students who are currently high school juniors.
- Kentucky Farm Bureau and the universities will only accept the 45 most qualified applicants for each IFAL conference, so be selective in whom you nominate. The student must be enrolled in a pre-college curriculum.
- Applications must be submitted by Tuesday, April 1, 2025 to be considered. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
- Students should be transported to and from IFAL by a parent, guardian, youth advisor or Farm Bureau representative. If a student drives, his or her car keys must be given to the Farm Bureau representative on-site for safekeeping.
- Approval for each student applying will be asked via email to a county Farm Bureau official for acceptance. The county’s approval is their guarantee to pay for the student’s registration for the program. County Farm Bureaus will be invoiced following the IFAL conferences. Please do not send payment prior to receiving an invoice. The fee is $400.00 per participant.
If you have any questions, please contact Taylor Nash at (502) 495-5000, ext. 37374, or via email at Taylor.Nash@kyfb.com.
Apr 1 2025 (All day)
United States
Taylor Nash
Event Type: Application Deadline
Apr 1 2025 (All day)
United States
Taylor Nash