Scholarship Description
Criteria for Eligibility
Scholarship Categories
Forestry | Horticulture | Natural Resources and Environmental Science | Sustainable Agriculture
The scholarship was established in memory of Hubert J. Byrd Sr., a prominent and highly respected soil scientist. By encouraging undergraduate students to major in soil science degree programs, the scholarship will help recruit top students into nationally recognized soil science programs to meet the expanding and diverse needs of this field. The SSSA Consulting Soil Scientists Division encourages soil science undergraduates to pursue a career in the field of professional consulting soil science to meet the various public needs and practical applications of this science. Funds for the scholarship are made available by the Agronomic Science Foundation and administered by the Soil Science Society of America.
Criteria for Eligibility
- Former recipients of this Award are not eligible.
- Members of this SSSA Awards Committee and the SSSA Board of Directors are not eligible to be a nominee for this award.
- The program is open to undergraduate student members with a declared major in soil science or closely related soil science degree program, and who have completed their sophomore or junior years by the end of spring term of the year in which they are submitting a scholarship application.
- The program is also open to undergraduate students completing their senior year by the end of spring term of the year in which they are submitting a scholarship application and are pursuing a Masters degree.
- Nominees will have earned a 2.5, or above cumulative grade point average (GPA, based upon a 4.0 GPA system) at the time the application is submitted.
- Nominees should have strong interests in science and business, and practical applications of their knowledge and skills.
Scholarship Categories
Forestry | Horticulture | Natural Resources and Environmental Science | Sustainable Agriculture