Listed below are forms frequently used by our students. For other forms regarding matters such as name changes and tuition appeals, visit the University of Kentucky Registrar's website.
An undergraduate student has the option to repeat once as many as three different completed courses with only the grade, credit hours, and quality points for the second completion used in computing the student's academic standing and credit for graduation. The limit of three repeat options holds for a student’s entire undergraduate career no matter how many degrees or programs attempted. A student may not use the repeat option when retaking a course on a Pass/Fail basis if the course was originally taken for a letter grade.
Click here for more information and to access the repeat option form.
Students may work with a faculty member to develop an individualized plan of study for select courses. Click the link below to access the independent study contract for undergraduate or graduate students.
With official approval from their advisor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, students may substitute a course within their degree program.
To request an official transcript from the University of Kentucky Registrar's office, visit this webpage. NOTE: Fees and holds may apply.
Undergraduates may enroll in graduate-level coursework with proper approval from their department and the University of Kentucky Graduate School. To access the approval form, click here.
The University Scholars Program offers particularly gifted and highly motivated students the opportunity of integrating their undergraduate and graduate courses of study in a single continuous program culminating in both a baccalaureate and a master's or doctoral degree. The total number of hours for the combined program may be as many as 12 less than the total required for the bachelor's and the master's or doctoral degrees separately. The requirements for the bachelor's degree are unaffected.
For more information on the University Scholars Program, click here.
You may use this form to add or remove a privacy flag to your academic record. NOTE: this applies only to the disclosure of "directory information" and excludes school officials with legitimate educational interests and certain others as specified by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. This must be completed form with a photo ID must be submitted to the Registrar's Office.
A student may withdraw from a class after the last date to withdraw if he/she can certify “urgent, non-academic reasons.” You must be able to demonstrate one or more of the following conditions applies to you:
- Illness or injury of the student
- Serious personal or family problems
- Serious financial difficulties.
*Students should speak with their instructor, academic advisor, or secondary advisor (e.g., LLP coordinator, CARES Advisor, etc.) before submitting this petition.
Post-Midterm Withdrawal Petition
- The college's Post-Midterm Withdrawal link will open for submissions the day after the last day to withdraw for academic reasons (please see academic calendar)
- Required documents for petition consideration include a personal statement, supporting documentation with identifiable information and course information/instructor contact
- Post-Midterm Withdrawal petitions will not be considered for courses that have ended or for which a final grade has been recorded
- Incomplete or insufficient petitions will not be considered and will be denied by the committee